Game Plans | Lesson Packs
Game Plan 3-10
Game Plan 6-15
Game Plan 12-25
Game Plan 12-40
Game Plan 12-52
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Custom Game Plan for  
Coach Website - Sep 19, 2024
Pre-Evaluation Questions

About You
Your Game
Are you Right or Left Handed?   Left     Right
Have you taken lessons?   Yes     No
How many lessons have you taken?
With video or any other technology?
Are you a Beginner?   Yes     No
What is motivating you to learn how to play golf?
I want to play for social reasons
I want to play for recreation
I want to play for business reasons
I want to play with family
Do you have golf equipment?   Yes     No
How many times per month do you foresee yourself playing golf?
Once per month
A couple of times per month
Once per week
A couple of times per year
What is your best score?
Do you have a handicap?   Yes     No
Your handicap

What would you like your handicap to be?

Your Average Score

What would you like to be scoring?

Estimate your rounds per year

Is distance a problem for you?   Yes     No
How many three putts do you average per round?   0     1-2     3-4     5+
Around the greens do you currently struggle with any of the following areas?
Consistent contact
Distance control
Directional control
Sand/Bunker play
Club selections
Which clubs have you been custom fit for?
Fairway Woods/Hybrids
If you had a magic wand and could accomplish anything you wanted in your game, what would that be?

Current Ball Flight

Add Last Swing
Your Game Plan

Plan Allocation

Full Swing
Follow Through

Scoring Areas
Chipping & Pitching



Plan Allocation

Pre-Evaluation Questions
If you had a magic wand and could accomplish anything you wanted in your game, what would that be?

Game Plan Review
Email PDF

Plan Allocation
Pre-Evaluation Interview
If you had a magic wand and could accomplish anything you wanted in your game, what would that be?

Date: 01-01-1970 12:00 am
Coach: Website
Online WebLessons:
Plan Allocation
Swing Analysis
Pre-Evaluation Interview
If you had a magic wand and could accomplish anything you wanted in your game, what would that be?
If you had a magic wand and could accomplish anything you wanted in your game, what would that be?